GrowApp S.r.l. Приложения

Papilla 1.5
GrowApp S.r.l.
Scarica l’app gratuitamente e con un semplice click potraiprenotare il tavolo per il pranzo, la cena o il dopo cena, avrail’opportunità di leggere le recensioni, restare aggiornato suglieventi, scegliere cosa mangiare e approfittare delle offertespeciali a te dedicate. Cosa aspetti! Papilla is now mobile!Download the free app and with a click you can book a table forlunch, dinner or after-dinner; you can read feedback and beinformed about all the events; you can choose what to eat and takeadvantage of all the special offers available only for you. Whatare you waiting for?
San Nicola Arcella 1.3
GrowApp S.r.l.
L’App San Nicola Arcella, studiata per ilcomune di San Nicola Arcella in provincia di Cosenza, ti consentedi avere informazioni in modo rapido ed efficace, inmobilità.Si tratta di un servizio rivolto a cittadini e turisti, ma anchealle attività commerciali del territorio.Attraverso l’app, potrai conoscere in tempo reale eventi einiziative in programma, notizie su guasti e disservizi o avvisi diemergenze di protezione civile, partecipare a sondaggi d’opinione ecomunicare direttamente con il sindaco e gli uffici, raggiungereagevolmente itinerari, siti d’interesse e attività commerciali delComune… tutto con un semplice click!Cosa aspetti, scarica gratis l’App Ufficiale del comune di SanNicola Arcella e approfitta delle promozioni dedicate a te!The San Nicola Arcella App, developed for the Municipality of SanNicola Arcella located in the province of Cosenza , allows you tohave information quickly and effectively, in mobility.It is a service aimed at citizens and tourists, but also to thecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can know in real time events and initiativesin the program, news about failures and outages or notices of civilprotection emergencies, you can also participate in opinion pollsand communicate directly with the mayor and the offices, easilyreach itineraries, sites interest and commercial activities of thetown... all with a simple click!What are you waiting for, download free the Official App of theMunicipality of San Nicola Arcella and take advantage of promotionsespecially for you! App San NicolaArcella, designed for the municipality of San Nicola Arcella in theprovince of Cosenza, allows you to get information quickly andeffectively, on the move.It is a service for citizens and tourists, but also to thecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can know in real time events and initiativesplanned, news about failures and outages or notices of civilprotection emergencies, participate in opinion polls andcommunicate directly with the mayor and offices, easy accessroutes, sites interest and commercial activities of the City ...all with a simple click!What aspects, download free Official App of the municipality of SanNicola Arcella and take advantage of promotions for you!The San Nicola Arcella App, developed for the Municipality of SanNicola Arcella located in the provinces of Cosenza, Allows you tohave information quickly and effectively, in the mobility.It is a service Aimed at citizens and tourists, but Also to thecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can know in real time events and Initiativesin the program, news about failures and outages or notices of civilprotection emergencies, you can participate on Also in the opinionpolls and communicate directly with the mayor and the offices,easily reach itineraries, interest sites and commercial activitiesof the town ... all with a simple click!What are you waiting for, download the free Official App of theMunicipality of San Nicola Arcella and take advantage of promotionsespecially for you!
Licodia Eubea 1.3
GrowApp S.r.l.
L’App Licodia Eubea, studiata per il comune diLicodia Eubea in provincia di Catania, ti consente di avereinformazioni in modo rapido ed efficace, in mobilità.Si tratta di un servizio rivolto a cittadini e turisti, ma anchealle attività commerciali del territorio.Attraverso l’app, potrai conoscere in tempo reale eventi einiziative in programma, notizie su guasti e disservizi o avvisi diemergenze di protezione civile, partecipare a sondaggi d’opinione ecomunicare direttamente con il sindaco e gli uffici, raggiungereagevolmente itinerari, siti d’interesse e attività commerciali delComune… tutto con un semplice click!Cosa aspetti, scarica gratis l’App Ufficiale del comune di LicodiaEubea e approfitta delle promozioni dedicate a te!The Licodia Eubea App, developed for the Municipality of LicodiaEubea in the Catania area, allows you to get information quicklyand effectively, while you are moving around.It is a service aimed to help tourists as well as citizens, andlocal businesses.Thanks to the app, you will be able, in real-time, to getinformation about events and local activities as well as faults anddisservices happening in Licodia Eubea and also civil protectionemergencies news. Likewise, you will be able to participate inopinion polls and interact directly with Licodia Eubea’s mayor andthe city hall offices. This App will allow you to easily accesslocal routes, interesting sites and commercial activities of thetown... all with a simple click!What are you waiting for, download Licodia Eubea’s free App andtake advantage of some promotions for you! App Licodia Euboea,designed for the municipality of Licodia Eubea province of Catania,allows you to get information quickly and effectively, on themove.It is a service for citizens and tourists, but also to thecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can know in real time events and initiativesplanned, news about failures and outages or notices of civilprotection emergencies, participate in opinion polls andcommunicate directly with the mayor and offices, easy accessroutes, sites interest and commercial activities of the City ...all with a simple click!What aspects, download free Official App of the municipality ofLicodia Eubea and take advantage of promotions dedicated toyou!The Licodia Evia App, developed for the Municipality of LicodiaEubea in the Catania area, Allows you to get information quicklyand effectively, while you are moving around.It is a service Aimed to help tourists as well as citizens, andlocal businesses.Thanks to the app, you will be able, in real-time, to getinformation about local events and activities as well as faults anddisservices happening in Licodia Eubea And Also civil protectionemergencies news. Likewise, you will be participate on incendio inopinion polls and interact directly with Licodia Evia's mayor andthe city hall offices. This App will allow you to easily accesslocal routes, interesting sites and commercial activities of thetown ... all with a simple click!What are you waiting for, download Licodia Evia's free app and takeadvantage of some promotions for you!
Santa Lucia del Mela
GrowApp S.r.l.
L’App Santa Lucia del Mela, studiata per ilcomune di Santa Lucia del Mela in provincia di Messina, ti consentedi avere informazioni in modo rapido ed efficace, inmobilità.Si tratta di un servizio rivolto a cittadini e turisti, ma anchealle attività commerciali del territorio.Attraverso l’app, potrai conoscere in tempo reale eventi einiziative in programma, notizie su guasti e disservizi o avvisi diemergenze di protezione civile, partecipare a sondaggi d’opinione ecomunicare direttamente con il sindaco e gli uffici, raggiungereagevolmente itinerari, siti d’interesse e attività commerciali delComune… tutto con un semplice click!Cosa aspetti, scarica gratis l’App Ufficiale del comune di SantaLucia del Mela e approfitta delle promozioni dedicate a te!This App, designed for the town of Santa Lucia del Mela in theMessina area, allows you to get information quickly andeffectively, while you are moving around.It is a service aimed to help tourists as well as citizens, andlocal businesses.Thanks to the app, you will be able, in real-time, to getinformation about events and local activities as well as faults anddisservices happening in Santa Lucia del Mela and also civilprotection emergencies news. Likewise, you will be able toparticipate in opinion polls and interact directly with Santa Luciadel Mela’s mayor and the city hall offices. This App will allow youto easily access local routes, interesting sites and commercialactivities of the town... all with a simple click!What are you waiting for, download Santa Lucia del Mela’s free Appand take advantage of some promotions for you!The App Saint Lucia delMela, designed for the town of Saint Lucia del Mela in the provinceof Messina, allows you to get information quickly and effectively,in mobility.It is a service aimed at citizens and tourists, but also to thecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can learn about real-time events andinitiatives planned, news about failures and outages or notices ofcivil protection emergencies, participate in opinion polls andcommunicate directly with the mayor and the offices, easy accessroutes, sites interest and commercial activities of the City ...all with a simple click!What aspects, download free App Officer of the municipality ofSaint Lucia del Mela and take advantage of promotions for you!This App, designed for the town of Saint Lucia del Mela in theMessina area, Allows you to get information quickly andeffectively, while you are moving around.It is a service Aimed to help tourists as well as citizens, andlocal businesses.Thanks to the app, you will be able, in real-time, to getinformation about local events and activities as well as faults anddisservices happening in Saint Lucia del Mela and anche civilprotection emergencies news. Likewise, you will be Able toparticipate on in opinion polls and Interact Directly with SaintLucia del Mela's mayor and the city hall offices. This App willallow you to easily access local routes, interesting sites andcommercial activities of the town ... all with a simpleclick!What are you waiting for, download Saint Lucia del Mela's free Appand take advantage of some promotions for you!
Terrasini 3.0
GrowApp S.r.l.
L’App Terrasini, studiata per il comune di Terrasini in provinciadi Palermo, ti consente di avere informazioni in modo rapido edefficace, in mobilità. Si tratta di un servizio rivolto a cittadinie turisti, ma anche alle attività commerciali del territorio.Attraverso l’app, potrai conoscere in tempo reale eventi einiziative in programma, notizie su guasti e disservizi o avvisi diemergenze di protezione civile, partecipare a sondaggi d’opinione ecomunicare direttamente con il sindaco e gli uffici, raggiungereagevolmente itinerari, siti d’interesse e attività commerciali delComune… tutto con un semplice click! Cosa aspetti, scarica gratisl’App Ufficiale del comune di Terrasini e approfitta dellepromozioni dedicate a te! The Terrasini App, developed for theMunicipality of Terrasini located in the province of Palermo (inSicily), allows you to have information quickly and effectively, inmobility. It is a service aimed at citizens and tourists, but alsoto the commercial activities of the territory. Through the app, youcan know in real time events and initiatives in the program, newsabout failures and outages or notices of civil protectionemergencies, you can also participate in opinion polls andcommunicate directly with the mayor and the offices, easily reachitineraries, sites interest and commercial activities of thetown... all with a simple click! What are you waiting for, downloadfree the Official App of the Municipality of Terrasini and takeadvantage of promotions especially for you!
Dental Group
GrowApp S.r.l.
Sei un professionista del dentale e vuoiessere aggiornato su tutte le novità del settore?Cosa aspetti? Scarica l'app di Dental Group e avrai i prodottidelle migliori marche a portata di clic!Prenditi cura dei tuoi pazienti, affidati a Dental Group, il tuopartner tutto al femminile!!!Are you a dentalprofessional and you want to be updated on all the news in thesector?What are you waiting? Download the app and Dental Group you'll havethe best brands at your fingertips!Take care of your patients, assigned to Dental Group, your partnerall female!
Canale Sicilia 1.3
GrowApp S.r.l.
Benvenuti nell'App di CanaleSicilia, testatagiornalistica online e WebTV. to the App ofCanaleSicilia, online newspaper and WebTV.
MED Medicina Estetica Dentale
GrowApp S.r.l.
MED, Medicina Estetica e Dentale da oggi èanche mobile. Con l’app, scaricabile gratuitamente dagli Store,potrai consultare le molteplici prestazioni proposte da MED eprenotare appuntamenti per i servizi di odontoiatria, di medicina echirurgia estetica e di cura del benessere psicofisico. Cosaaspetti, scarica l’app e approfitta delle promozioni dedicate soloa te.MED… nella tua soddisfazione, tutta la nostra passione.MED, Aesthetic Medicineand Dentistry today is mobile. With the app, a free download fromthe Store, you can see the many benefits offered by MED and bookappointments for the services of dentistry, medicine and cosmeticsurgery and treatment of mental and physical wellbeing. Whataspects, download the app and take advantage of special promotionsonly for you.MED ... in your satisfaction, all our passion.
XL Disco Club
GrowApp S.r.l.
Vuoi sapere quali sorprese ti riserva laserata all’XL Disco Club? Scarica gratuitamente l’app che trovi suiMarket Store. Scopri il programma della settimana, gli eventimusicali live, i dj ospiti, le serate a tema, prenota il tuo tavoloe organizza il tuo party con noi.Scarica l’app, inizia il tuo divertimento all’XL Disco Club di Capod’Orlando.Want to know whatsurprises we reserve the evening the XL Disco Club? Download thisfree app which you can find on the Android Market Store. Discoverthe program of the week, live music events, the guest DJs, themenights, book your table and organize your party with us.Download the app, start your fun with the XL Disco Club Capod'Orlando.
Peppizza Ristorante - Pizzeria
GrowApp S.r.l.
The Peppizza App lets you choose the menu,book a table, order pizza for take away, take advantage ofpromotions, get discounts through loyalty card and get the latestupdates of the Restaurant - Pizzeria and much more ...L'App di Peppizza ti permette di scegliere il menu, prenotare untavolo, ordinare la pizza per asporto, approfittare dellepromozioni, ottenere sconti attraverso la carta fedeltà e conoscerele ultime novità del Ristorante - Pizzeria e molto altroancora...The Peppizza App lets youchoose the menu, book a table, order pizza for take away, takeadvantage of promotions, get discounts through loyalty card and getthe latest updates of the Restaurant - Pizzeria and much more ...The App Peppizza allows you to choose the menu, book a table,order a pizza for take away, take advantage of promotions,discounts through loyalty card and get the latest updatesRestaurant - Pizzeria and much more ...
Riesi 1.4
GrowApp S.r.l.
L’App Riesi, studiata per il comune di Riesiin provincia di Caltanissetta, ti consente di avere informazioni inmodo rapido ed efficace, in mobilità.Si tratta di un servizio rivolto a cittadini e turisti, ma anchealle attività commerciali del territorio.Attraverso l’app, potrai conoscere in tempo reale eventi einiziative in programma, notizie su guasti e disservizi o avvisi diemergenze di protezione civile, partecipare a sondaggi d’opinione ecomunicare direttamente con il sindaco e gli uffici, raggiungereagevolmente itinerari, siti d’interesse e attività commerciali delComune… tutto con un semplice click!Cosa aspetti, scarica gratis l’App Ufficiale del comune di Riesi eapprofitta delle promozioni dedicate a te!The Riesi App, developed for the Municipality of Riesi located inthe province of Caltanissetta (in Sicily), allows you to haveinformation quickly and effectively, in mobility.It is a service aimed at citizens and tourists, but also to thecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can know in real time events and initiativesin the program, news about failures and outages or notices of civilprotection emergencies, you can also participate in opinion pollsand communicate directly with the mayor and the offices, easilyreach itineraries, sites interest and commercial activities of thetown... all with a simple click!What are you waiting for, download free the Official App of theMunicipality of Riesi and take advantage of promotions especiallyfor you!The App Riesi, studiedthe town of Riesi in the province of Caltanissetta, allows you toget information quickly and effectively, in mobility.It is a service aimed at locals and tourists, but also to thebusiness activities of the territory.Through the app, you will know in real-time events and initiativesin the program, news of failures and outages or alerts of civilprotection emergencies, participate in opinion polls andcommunicate directly with the mayor and the offices, easy accessroutes, sites interest and commercial activities of the City ...all with a single click!What aspects, download free Official App of the town of Riesi andtake advantage of promotions for you!Riesi The App, developed for the Municipality of Riesi located inthe province of Caltanissetta (Sicily), Allows you to haveinformation quickly and effectively, in mobility.It is a service Aimed at citizens and tourists, but anche to thecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can know in real time events and Initiativesin the program, news about failures and outages or notices of civilprotection emergencies, you can participate on anche in opinionpolls and communicate directly with the mayor and the offices,easily reach itineraries, interest sites and commercial activitiesof the town ... all with a simple click!What are you waiting for, download the free Official App of theMunicipality of Riesi and take advantage of promotions especiallyfor you!
Capri Leone 3.2
GrowApp S.r.l.
Tourism and Culture
Montalbano Elicona
GrowApp S.r.l.
L’App Montalbano Elicona, studiata per ilcomune di Montalbano Elicona in provincia di Messina, ti consentedi avere informazioni in modo rapido ed efficace, inmobilità.Si tratta di un servizio rivolto a cittadini e turisti, ma anchealle attività commerciali del territorio.Attraverso l’app, potrai conoscere in tempo reale eventi einiziative in programma, notizie su guasti e disservizi o avvisi diemergenze di protezione civile, partecipare a sondaggi d’opinione ecomunicare direttamente con il sindaco e gli uffici, raggiungereagevolmente itinerari, siti d’interesse e attività commerciali delComune… tutto con un semplice click!Cosa aspetti, scarica gratis l’App Ufficiale del comune diMontalbano Elicona e approfitta delle promozioni dedicate a te!This App, designed for the town of Montalbano Elicona in theMessina area, allows you to get information quickly andeffectively, while you are moving around.It is a service aimed to help tourists as well as citizens, andlocal businesses.Thanks to the app, you will be able, in real-time, to getinformation about events and local activities as well as faults anddisservices happening in Montalbano Elicona and also civilprotection emergencies news. Likewise, you will be able toparticipate in opinion polls and interact directly with MontalbanoElicona’s mayor and the city hall offices. This App will allow youto easily access local routes, interesting sites and commercialactivities of the town... all with a simple click!What are you waiting for, download Montalbano Elicona’s free Appand take advantage of some promotions for you!The App MontalbanoHelicon, designed for the town of Montalbano Elicona in theprovince of Messina, allows you to get information quickly andeffectively, in mobility.It is a service aimed at citizens and tourists, but also to thecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can learn about real-time events andinitiatives planned, news about failures and outages or notices ofcivil protection emergencies, participate in opinion polls andcommunicate directly with the mayor and the offices, easy accessroutes, sites interest and commercial activities of the City ...all with a simple click!What aspects, download free App Officer of the municipality ofMontalbano Elicona and take advantage of promotions for you!This App, designed for the town of Montalbano Elicona in theMessina area, Allows you to get information quickly andeffectively, while you are moving around.It is a service Aimed to help tourists as well as citizens, andlocal businesses.Thanks to the app, you will be able, in real-time, to getinformation about local events and activities as well as faults anddisservices happening in Montalbano Elicona and anche civilprotection emergencies news. Likewise, you will be Able toparticipate on in opinion polls and Interact Directly withMontalbano Helicon's mayor and the city hall offices. This App willallow you to easily access local routes, interesting sites andcommercial activities of the town ... all with a simpleclick!What are you waiting for, download Montalbano Helicon's free Appand take advantage of some promotions for you!
U Vurparu Ristorante
GrowApp S.r.l.
Il Ristorante "U Vurparu" nasce a Piraino dalsapiente restauro dell'antica casa colonica della famiglia Magistroe dall'utilizzo di materiali vivi come il legno e le pietre delluogo. L’ambiente caldo ed accogliente rappresenta l’habitat idealeper gustare le tipiche ricette siciliane che rivivono in piattiesclusivi.Prenota la tua cena romantica o il tuo pranzo di lavoro, partecipaagli eventi e alle degustazioni e approfitta delle promozioniesclusive rivolte agli utilizzatori dell’app.The restaurant "UVurparu" was born in Piraino from the careful restoration of theancient farmhouse of the family Magistro and the use of livingmaterials such as wood and the stones of the place. The warm andcozy is the ideal habitat for some authentic Sicilian recipes thatcome to life in exclusive dishes.Book your romantic dinner or your business lunch, participate inevents and tastings and take advantage of exclusive promotionsaimed at users of the app.
Salina Eolie 1.4
GrowApp S.r.l.
Salina Aeolian quiet escapes Salina Aeolian, a peaceful escape
Sant'Angelo di Brolo 1.6
GrowApp S.r.l.
L’App Sant'Angelo di Brolo, studiata per il comune di Sant'Angelodi Brolo in provincia di Messina, ti consente di avere informazioniin modo rapido ed efficace, in mobilità. Si tratta di un serviziorivolto a cittadini e turisti, ma anche alle attività commercialidel territorio. Attraverso l’app, potrai conoscere in tempo realeeventi e iniziative in programma, notizie su guasti e disservizi oavvisi di emergenze di protezione civile, partecipare a sondaggid’opinione e comunicare direttamente con il Sindaco e gli uffici,raggiungere agevolmente itinerari, siti d’interesse e attivitàcommerciali del Comune… tutto con un semplice click! Cosa aspetti,scarica gratis l’App Ufficiale del comune di Sant'Angelo di Brolo eapprofitta delle promozioni dedicate a te! The Sant'Angelo di BroloApp, developed for the Municipality of Sant'Angelo di Brolo locatedin the province of Messina, allows you to have information quicklyand effectively, in mobility. It is a service aimed at citizens andtourists, but also to the commercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can know in real time events and initiativesin the program, news about failures and outages or notices of civilprotection emergencies, you can also participate in opinion pollsand communicate directly with the Mayor and the offices, easilyreach itineraries, sites interest and commercial activities of thetown... all with a simple click! What are you waiting for, downloadfree the Official App of the Municipality of Sant'Angelo di Broloand take advantage of promotions especially for you!
Scaglione Giovanni
GrowApp S.r.l.
L’app della ditta Scaglione Giovanni offreservizi unici per il settore del Gpl in bombole per privati eaziende. Prenota sopralluoghi senza impegno per installareelettrodomestici, caldaie e bomboloni. Fai rifornimento, acquistail gpl con il tuo smartphone e scegli il prodotto giusto per lacasa o il ristorante.Dai gas: scarica gratuitamente l’app Scaglione Gas!The app of the firm JohnScaglione offers unique services in the field of LPG in cylindersfor individuals and businesses. Book inspections without obligationto install appliances, boilers and donuts. Make refueling, buy LPGwith your smartphone and choose the right product for your home orrestaurant.Gases: download free app Scaglione Gas!
Fiumedinisi 2.0
GrowApp S.r.l.
L’App Fiumedinisi è un servizio rivolto a cittadini e turisti, maanche alle attività commerciali del territorio. Attraverso l’app,potrai conoscere in tempo reale eventi e iniziative in programma,notizie su guasti e disservizi o avvisi di emergenze di protezionecivile, comunicare direttamente con il Sindaco e gli uffici,raggiungere agevolmente itinerari, siti d’interesse e attivitàcommerciali del Comune.
Unicesd 1.3
GrowApp S.r.l.
La nuova app dell'Universidas Centro Studi Salvo D'Acquisto è nataper gli studenti che vogliono essere sempre aggiornati sui nuovicorsi di alta formazione, corsi di laurea, e certificazioniinformatiche dell' Università Telematica Pegaso. È inoltrepossibile condividere le informazioni con la propria rete network,per essere sempre aggiornati sui calendari di esami e sugliaggiornamenti normativi e degli assetti universitari. L'App èsuddivisa in due parti principali, una sezione di accesso pubblicoe una sezione ad accesso riservato. La parte pubblica ti consentedi tenere sotto controllo le nuove attività didattiche promosse dalmondo universitario. mentre la parte privata ti consente diapprendere tutte quelle nozioni che servono ai poli didattici perguidare i propri iscritti sui percorsi e le modalità di svolgimentodegli esami. The new App of the University Study Centre SalvoD’Acquisto was born for the students who want to be informed aboutnew courses of higher education, degree courses and computercertifications of the Online University Pegaso. Moreover, it ispossible to share the information with your own network, in orderto be always updated on exam calendars, regulatory updates anduniversity structures. This App is divided into two main parts: asection of public access and a private access section. The publicsection allows you to monitor the new educational activitiespromoted by the university world, while the private part allows youto learn all those notions which the didactic poles use to help andguide their students in their courses and the ways and modes ofexaminations.
Viaggio negli Iblei 1.2
GrowApp S.r.l.
"Viaggio negli Iblei”, il marchio del turismo,della cultura, dell'enogastronomia e della ricettività delterritorio di Ragusa."Travel in the Iblei",the brand of tourism, culture, enogastronomy and the receptivity ofthe Ragusa territory.
Chiaramonte Gulfi
GrowApp S.r.l.
L’App Chiaramonte Gulfi, studiata per ilcomune di Chiaramonte Gulfi in provincia di Ragusa, ti consente diavere informazioni in modo rapido ed efficace, in mobilità.Si tratta di un servizio rivolto a cittadini e turisti, ma anchealle attività commerciali del territorio.Attraverso l’app, potrai conoscere in tempo reale eventi einiziative in programma, notizie su guasti e disservizi o avvisi diemergenze di protezione civile, partecipare a sondaggi d’opinione ecomunicare direttamente con il sindaco e gli uffici, raggiungereagevolmente itinerari, siti d’interesse e attività commerciali delComune… tutto con un semplice click!Cosa aspetti, scarica gratis l’App Ufficiale del comune diChiaramonte Gulfi e approfitta delle promozioni dedicate a te!The Chiaramonte Gulfi App, developed for the Municipality ofChiaramonte Gulfi located in the province of Ragusa (in Sicily),allows you to have information quickly and effectively, inmobility.It is a service aimed at citizens and tourists, but also to thecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can know in real time events and initiativesin the program, news about failures and outages or notices of civilprotection emergencies, you can also participate in opinion pollsand communicate directly with the mayor and the offices, easilyreach itineraries, sites interest and commercial activities of thetown... all with a simple click!What are you waiting for, download free the Official App of theMunicipality of Chiaramonte Gulfi and take advantage of promotionsespecially for you!The App ChiaramonteGulfi, designed for the town of Chiaramonte Gulfi in the provinceof Ragusa, allows you to get information quickly and effectively,in mobility.It is a service aimed at citizens and tourists, but also to thecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can learn about real-time events andinitiatives planned, news about failures and outages or notices ofcivil protection emergencies, participate in opinion polls andcommunicate directly with the mayor and the offices, easy accessroutes, sites interest and commercial activities of the City ...all with a simple click!What aspects, download free App Officer of the municipality ofChiaramonte Gulfi and take advantage of promotions for you!The Chiaramonte Gulfi App, developed for the Municipality ofChiaramonte Gulfi located in the provinces of Ragusa (Sicily),Allows you to have information quickly and effectively, inmobility.It is a service Aimed at citizens and tourists, but anche to thecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can know in real time events and Initiativesin the program, news about failures and outages or notices of civilprotection emergencies, you can participate on anche in opinionpolls and Directly communicate with the mayor and the offices,easily reach itineraries, interest sites and commercial activitiesof the town ... all with a simple click!What are you waiting for, download free the Official App of theMunicipality of Chiaramonte Gulfi and take advantage of promotionsEspecially for You!
Serradifalco 1.3
GrowApp S.r.l.
L’App Serradifalco, studiata per il comune diSerradifalco in provincia di Caltanissetta, ti consente di avereinformazioni in modo rapido ed efficace, in mobilità. Si tratta di un servizio rivolto a cittadini e turisti, ma anchealle attività commerciali del territorio.Attraverso l’app, potrai conoscere in tempo reale eventi einiziative in programma, notizie su guasti e disservizi o avvisi diemergenze di protezione civile, partecipare a sondaggi d’opinione ecomunicare direttamente con il sindaco e gli uffici, raggiungereagevolmente itinerari, siti d’interesse e attivitàcommerciali...tutto con un semplice click!Cosa aspetti, scarica gratis l’App Ufficiale del comune diSerradifalco e approfitta delle promozioni dedicate a te!The Serradifalco App, developed for the Municipality ofSerradifalco located in the province of Caltanissetta (in Sicily),allows you to have information quickly and effectively, inmobility.It is a service aimed at citizens and tourists, but also to thecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can know in real time events and initiativesin the program, news about failures and outages or notices of civilprotection emergencies, you can also participate in opinion pollsand communicate directly with the Mayor and the offices, easilyreach itineraries, sites interest and commercial activities of thetown... all with a simple click!What are you waiting for, download free the Official App of theMunicipality of Serradifalco and take advantage of promotionsespecially for you! App Serradifalco,designed for the municipality of Serradifalco in the province ofCaltanissetta, allows you to get information quickly andeffectively, on the move.It is a service for citizens and tourists, but also to thecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can know in real time events and initiativesplanned, news about failures and outages or notices of civilprotection emergencies, participate in opinion polls andcommunicate directly with the mayor and offices, easy accessroutes, sites interest and commercial activities ... all with asimple click!What aspects, download free Official App of the town ofSerradifalco and take advantage of promotions for you!Serradifalco The App, developed for the Municipality ofSerradifalco located in the provinces of Caltanissetta (Sicily),Allows you to have information quickly and effectively, in themobility.It is a service Aimed at citizens and tourists, but Also to thecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can know in real time events and Initiativesin the program, news about failures and outages or notices of civilprotection emergencies, you can participate on Also in the opinionpolls and communicate directly with the Mayor and the offices,easily reach itineraries, interest sites and commercial activitiesof the town ... all with a simple click!What are you waiting for, download the free Official App of theMunicipality of Serradifalco and take advantage of promotionsespecially for you!
Lo Scoglio di Cristallo
GrowApp S.r.l.
Il Festival Nazionale di Danza "Lo ScogliodiCristallo" è un concorso rivolto a gruppi di giovaniballerinidagli 8 ai 25 anni, ideato dalla coreografa Alice Corica.Lamanifestazione si terrà dal 28 al 31 luglio a Brolo, borgomarinarosiciliano posto di fronte alle Isole Eolie. Al Festivalsarannopresenti importanti nomi della danza di fama internazionale,con iquali i partecipanti avranno la possibilità di frequentarestageformativi.Con l'App "Lo Scoglio di Cristallo" potrai conoscere gli eventiinprogrammazione e seguire il Festival step by step.The National FestivalofDance "The Rock Crystal" is a competition aimed at groups ofyoungdancers aged 8 to 25 years, devised by choreographer AliceCorica.The event will be held July 28 to 31 in Brolo, Sicilianfishingvillage located in front of the Aeolian Islands. TheFestival willpresent important names in dance of internationalrenown, withwhich the participants will have the opportunity toattend trainingworkshops.With the App "Lo Scoglio di Cristallo", you can find outaboutevents and follow the Festival programming step by step.
S.T.A.Q. & S. Consulting
GrowApp S.r.l.
S.T.A.Q. & S. Consulting,aziendaspecializzata nella consulenza alle imprese pubbliche eprivate,entra nel mondo mobile per offrire servizi in materia disviluppo,ambiente, qualità, sicurezza e salute nei luoghi dilavoro. Conl’app di S.T.A.Q. & S. potrai contattare l’azienda,richiedereassistenza o prenotare un appuntamento, iscriverti aicorsi, essereaggiornato su tutte le novità del settore eapprofittare dellepromozioni dedicate agli utenti mobile.S.T.A.Q. & S., consulenza specializzata sempre con te!S.T.A.Q. S.&Consulting, a company specialized in advising public andprivatecompanies, enter the mobile world to offer services indevelopment,environment, quality, health and safety in theworkplace. With theapp S.T.A.Q. S. & you can contact thecompany, ask forassistance or to book an appointment, enroll incourses, to beupdated on all the news in the industry and takeadvantage ofspecial promotions to mobile users.S.T.A.Q. & S., specialized consulting with you!
Valle dei Templi
GrowApp S.r.l.
Una guida per scoprire il territoriodelDistretto Turistico Valle dei Templi: da Agrigento aCaltanissetta,da Gela a Realmonte, passando per la Strada degliScrittori eimmergendosi nella luce della Scala dei Turchi. Un modosemplice eveloce per conoscere cose da vedere e da fare, glieventi, lestrutture ricettive, i migliori ristoranti e leinformazioni utiliper ritrovare la Sicilia più autentica: gliantichi borghi sparsinelle profumate campagne siciliane, icastelli, le torri, leminiere, le spiagge, il Mar Mediterraneo, lefeste religiose, letradizioni gastronomiche e il folklore.A guide to exploretheterritory of the Tourist District Valley of the TemplesinAgrigento to Caltanissetta, from Gela in Realmonte, throughtheRoad of Writers and immersing himself in the light of the ScaladeiTurchi. A quick and easy way to learn about things to see anddo,events, accommodation, best restaurants and useful informationforfinding the most authentic Sicily: ancient villages scatteredinthe fragrant Sicilian countryside, castles, towers, mines,thebeaches, the Mediterranean Sea, religious festivals,culinarytraditions and folklore.
My Mercedes Graziano
GrowApp S.r.l.
Mercedes Graziano entra nel mondomobile!Con l’app My Mercedes Graziano, potrai visionare in anteprimaleauto in vendita e il parco vetture a noleggio, prenotareicontrolli e le revisioni in officina, contattare direttamentegliuffici per informazioni e preventivi.Scarica l’app e approfitta delle offerte dedicate a te.Mercedes Grazianoentersthe mobile world!With the app My Mercedes Graziano, you can view a preview of thecarfor sale and park cars, book checks and revisions in theworkshop,contact the offices for information and quotes.Download the app and take advantage of the offers dedicatedtoyou.
Militello in Val di Catania 3.4
GrowApp S.r.l.
Most beautiful village 2022
GrowApp S.r.l.
L’App Sortino, studiata per il comunediSortino in provincia di Siracusa, ti consente di avereinformazioniin modo rapido ed efficace, in mobilità.Si tratta di un servizio rivolto a cittadini e turisti, maanchealle attività commerciali del territorio.Attraverso l’app, potrai conoscere in tempo reale eventieiniziative in programma, notizie su guasti e disservizi o avvisidiemergenze di protezione civile, partecipare a sondaggi d’opinioneecomunicare direttamente con il sindaco e gli uffici,raggiungereagevolmente itinerari, siti d’interesse e attivitàcommerciali delComune… tutto con un semplice click!Cosa aspetti, scarica gratis l’App Ufficiale del comune di Sortinoeapprofitta delle promozioni dedicate a te!This App, designed for the town of Sortino in the Syracusearea,allows you to get information quickly and effectively, whileyouare moving around.It is a service aimed to help tourists as well as citizens,andlocal businesses.Thanks to the app, you will be able, in real-time, togetinformation about events and local activities as well as faultsanddisservices happening in Sortino and also civilprotectionemergencies news. Likewise, you will be able toparticipate inopinion polls and interact directly with Sortino’smayor and thecity hall offices. This App will allow you to easilyaccess localroutes, interesting sites and commercial activities ofthe town...all with a simple click!What are you waiting for, download Sortino’s free App andtakeadvantage of some promotions for you!The App Sortino,designedfor the town of Sortino in the Syracuse area, allows you togetinformation quickly and effectively, in mobility.It is a service aimed at citizens and tourists, but also tothecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can learn about real-time eventsandinitiatives planned, news about failures and outages or noticesofcivil protection emergencies, participate in opinion pollsandcommunicate directly with the mayor and the offices, easyaccessroutes, sites interest and commercial activities of the City...all with a simple click!What aspects, download free App Officer of the municipalityofSortino and take advantage of promotions for you!This App, designed for the town of Sortino in the Syracusearea,Allows you to get information quickly and effectively, whileyouare moving around.It is a service Aimed to help tourists as well as citizens,andlocal businesses.Thanks to the app, you will be able, in real-time, togetinformation about local events and activities as well as faultsanddisservices happening in Sortino and anche civilprotectionemergencies news. Likewise, you will be Able toparticipate on inopinion polls and Interact Directly with Sortino'smayor and thecity hall offices. This App will allow you to easilyaccess localroutes, interesting sites and commercial activities ofthe town ...all with a simple click!What are you waiting for, download Sortino's free App andtakeadvantage of some promotions for you!
CNA Est Sicilia
GrowApp S.r.l.
Con l’App ufficiale di CNA Est Sicilia,potraiconoscere meglio il mondo CNA, approfittare dei vantaggidedicati acittadini e imprese, essere sempre aggiornato sulleultime novità econdividere le tue esperienze sul Forum…Cosa aspetti? Scarica l’app CNA Est Sicilia!With the official AppofCNA East Sicily, you can learn more about the world CNA,takeadvantage of valuable benefits to citizens and businesses, beup todate on the latest news and share your experiences on theForum...What aspects? Download the app CNA East Sicily!
San Giovanni in Fiore 1.3
GrowApp S.r.l.
L’App San Giovanni in Fiore, studiata per ilcomune di San Giovanni in Fiore in provincia di Cosenza, ticonsente di avere informazioni in modo rapido ed efficace, inmobilità.Si tratta di un servizio rivolto a cittadini e turisti, ma anchealle attività commerciali del territorio.Attraverso l’app, potrai conoscere in tempo reale eventi einiziative in programma, notizie su guasti e disservizi o avvisi diemergenze di protezione civile, partecipare a sondaggi d’opinione ecomunicare direttamente con il Sindaco e gli uffici, raggiungereagevolmente itinerari, siti d’interesse e attività commerciali delComune… tutto con un semplice click!Cosa aspetti, scarica gratis l’App Ufficiale del comune di SanGiovanni in Fiore e approfitta delle promozioni dedicate ate!The San Giovanni in Fiore App, developed for the Municipality ofSan Giovanni in Fiore located in the province of Cosenza, allowsyou to have information quickly and effectively, in mobility.It is a service aimed at citizens and tourists, but also to thecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can know in real time events and initiativesin the program, news about failures and outages or notices of civilprotection emergencies, you can also participate in opinion pollsand communicate directly with the Mayor and the offices, easilyreach itineraries, sites interest and commercial activities of thetown... all with a simple click!What are you waiting for, download free the Official App of theMunicipality of San Giovanni in Fiore and take advantage ofpromotions especially for you! App San Giovanni inFiore, designed for the municipality of San Giovanni in Fiore inthe province of Cosenza, allows you to get information quickly andeffectively, on the move.It is a service for citizens and tourists, but also to thecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can know in real time events and initiativesplanned, news about failures and outages or notices of civilprotection emergencies, participate in opinion polls andcommunicate directly with the Mayor and the offices, easy accessroutes, sites interest and commercial activities of the City ...all with a simple click!What aspects, download free Official App of the town of SanGiovanni in Fiore and take advantage of promotions for you!The San Giovanni in Fiore App, developed for the Municipality ofSan Giovanni in Fiore located in the provinces of Cosenza, Allowsyou to have information quickly and effectively, in themobility.It is a service Aimed at citizens and tourists, but Also to thecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can know in real time events and Initiativesin the program, news about failures and outages or notices of civilprotection emergencies, you can participate on Also in the opinionpolls and communicate directly with the Mayor and the offices,easily reach itineraries, interest sites and commercial activitiesof the town ... all with a simple click!What are you waiting for, download the free Official App of theMunicipality of San Giovanni in Fiore and take advantage ofpromotions especially for you!
Il Rigattiere 1.0
GrowApp S.r.l.
Per vendere e comprare nuovo usato inbuonecondizioni: Mobili, oggetti, complementid'arredo,elettrodomestici.Ogni giorno in esposizione migliaia di articoli nuovi,seminuovi,usato selezionato, tutti a prezzo affare. Quando haibisogno diarredare una casa, prima di decidere l'acquisto del nuovopotrestitrovare cio che desideri a poco prezzo e risparmiare unsacco disoldi.Ceramiche, porcellane, argento, sheffield, servizi dipiattiporcellana, oggetti in cristallo, terracotta, oggetti designanni70, ETC.To sell and buy backusedin good condition: furniture, objects, furniture,appliances.Every day thousands of items on display new, pre-owned,usedselected, all at bargain price. When you need to furnish ahouse,before deciding to purchase the new you may find what youwant at alow price and save a lot of money.Pottery, porcelain, silver, sheffield, dinner serviceschina,crystal items, pottery, design objects 70, ETC.
Mondo Auto 1.3
GrowApp S.r.l.
La nostra struttura è composta di due puntivendita a Palermo, il punto vendita di Via Tasca Lanza ,116 (VialeRegione Siciliana) e il punto vendita di Viale Campania, 41; di unpunto vendita a Caltanissetta, in via Santo Spirito, 34.Di un centro assistenza post vendita sito in viale RegioneSiciliana 116, con circa mq. 2.000, dedicati a magazzino ricambi,officina meccanica - elettronica, carrozzeria e verniciatura.La Mondo Auto oggi si identifica in una società a conduzionefamiliare che, con i numerosi punti vendita situati nelle zonestrategiche delle città di Palermo e Caltanissetta, e con i suoi2000 mq di post-vendita, riesce ad offrire ai propri Clienti unservizio completo, efficace ed efficiente. structure is composedof two stores in Palermo, the shop of Via Tasca Lanza, 116 (VialeRegione Siciliana) and selling point of Viale Campania, 41; a storein Caltanissetta, Via Santo Spirito, 34.A center after sales in Viale Regione Siciliana 116, with approx.2,000, dedicated to spare parts warehouse, machine shop -electronics, body and painting.The World Car today is identified with a family-run company, withnumerous stores located in strategic areas of the city of Palermoand Caltanissetta, and with its 2000 square meters of after-sales,is able to offer its customers a complete service , effective andefficient.
GrowApp S.r.l.
Gipys è un'azienda specializzata nellavenditadi calzature, borse, abbigliamento e accessori per tuttalafamiglia. L'attenzione alla qualità dei prodotti è altissimaestrizza sempre l'occhio alle nuove tendenze. Nei vari puntivenditatroverai prestigiosi brand come Guess, Nero Giardini, CafèNoir,Gaudì, Versace, Lacoste, Desigual e molti altri.Gipys is acompanyspecializing in the sale of shoes, bags, clothing andaccessoriesfor the whole family. The attention to quality ofproducts is veryhigh and always winks the eye to new trends. In thevarious storesyou will find prestigious brands such as Guess, NeroGiardini, CafeNoir, Gaudi, Versace, Lacoste, Desigual and manyothers.
GrowApp S.r.l.
L’App Furnari, studiata per il comunediFurnari in provincia di Messina, ti consente di avereinformazioniin modo rapido ed efficace, in mobilità.Si tratta di un servizio rivolto a cittadini e turisti, maanchealle attività commerciali del territorio.Attraverso l’app, potrai conoscere in tempo reale eventieiniziative in programma, notizie su guasti e disservizi o avvisidiemergenze di protezione civile, partecipare a sondaggi d’opinioneecomunicare direttamente con il sindaco e gli uffici,raggiungereagevolmente itinerari, siti d’interesse e attivitàcommerciali delComune… tutto con un semplice click!Cosa aspetti, scarica gratis l’App Ufficiale del comune di Furnarieapprofitta delle promozioni dedicate a te!The Furnari App, developed for the Municipality ofFurnarilocated in the province of Messina (in Sicily), allows youto haveinformation quickly and effectively, in mobility.It is a service aimed at citizens and tourists, but also tothecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can know in real time events and initiativesinthe program, news about failures and outages or notices ofcivilprotection emergencies, you can also participate in opinionpollsand communicate directly with the mayor and the offices,easilyreach itineraries, sites interest and commercial activitiesof thetown... all with a simple click!What are you waiting for, download free the Official App oftheMunicipality of Furnari and take advantage of promotionsespeciallyfor you!The App Furnari,designedfor the municipality of Furnari in the province of Messina,allowsyou to get information quickly and effectively, inmobility.It is a service aimed at citizens and tourists, but also tothecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can learn about real-time eventsandinitiatives planned, news about failures and outages or noticesofcivil protection emergencies, participate in opinion pollsandcommunicate directly with the mayor and the offices, easyaccessroutes, sites interest and commercial activities of the City...all with a simple click!What aspects, download free App Officer of the municipalityofFurnari and take advantage of promotions for you!The Furnari App, developed for the Municipality ofFurnarilocated in the provinces of Messina (Sicily), Allows you tohaveinformation quickly and effectively, in mobility.It is a service Aimed at citizens and tourists, but anche tothecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can know in real time events and Initiativesinthe program, news about failures and outages or notices ofcivilprotection emergencies, you can participate on anche inopinionpolls and Directly communicate with the mayor and theoffices,easily reach itineraries, interest sites and commercialactivitiesof the town ... all with a simple click!What are you waiting for, download free the Official App oftheMunicipality of Furnari and take advantage of promotionsEspeciallyfor You!
Castellammare del Golfo 1.6
GrowApp S.r.l.
L’App Castellammare del Golfo, studiata per il comune diCastellammare del Golfo in provincia di Trapani, ti consente diavere informazioni in modo rapido ed efficace, in mobilità. Si tratta di un servizio rivolto a cittadini e turisti, ma anchealle attività commerciali del territorio. Attraverso l’app, potraiconoscere in tempo reale eventi e iniziative in programma, notiziesu guasti e disservizi o avvisi di emergenze di protezione civile,partecipare a sondaggi d’opinione e comunicare direttamente con ilsindaco e gli uffici, raggiungere agevolmente itinerari, sitid’interesse e attività commerciali del Comune… tutto con unsemplice click! Cosa aspetti, scarica gratis l’App Ufficiale delcomune di Castellammare del Golfo e approfitta delle promozionidedicate a te! The Castellammare del Golfo App, developed for theMunicipality of Castellammare del Golfo located in the province ofTrapani (in Sicily), allows you to have information quickly andeffectively, in mobility. It is a service aimed at citizens andtourists, but also to the commercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can know in real time events and initiativesin the program, news about failures and outages or notices of civilprotection emergencies, you can also participate in opinion pollsand communicate directly with the mayor and the offices, easilyreach itineraries, sites interest and commercial activities of thetown... all with a simple click! What are you waiting for, downloadfree the Official App of the Municipality of Castellammare delGolfo and take advantage of promotions especially for you!
Forza D'Agrò
GrowApp S.r.l.
Visit Forza D'Agrò
Delfo Viaggi
GrowApp S.r.l.
Sei un appassionato di viaggi? Vorrestiessereinformato su tutti i last minute? Ora c'è un'app perfetta perte:con Delfo Viaggi puoi visionare tutti i pacchetti, organizzarelatua vacanza e trovare le migliori offerte.Scarica l'app....e inizia un nuovo viaggio!Do you love traveling? Would you like to know all thelastminute? Now there's an app perfect for you: with Delfo Viaggiyoucan view all the tours, organize your holiday and find thebestdeals. Download the app .... and start a new journey!Do you love travel?Wouldyou like to be informed of all the last minute? Now there's anappperfect for you: Travel with Delphi you can view all thepackages,organize your holiday and find the best deals.Download the app .... and start a new journey!Do you love traveling? Would you like to know at the lastminute?Now there's an app perfect for you: Travel with Delphi youcan viewall the tours, organize your holiday and find the bestdeals.Download the app .... and start a new journey!
Gac Golfo di Patti 1.3
GrowApp S.r.l.
Il Gruppo di Azione Costiera "Golfo di Patti"promuove le attività di pesca sostenibile e il settore ittico conrisorse del Fondo Europeo per la Pesca" Coast "Gulf of PattiAction" Group promotes sustainable fisheries and the seafood sectorwith resources of the European Fund for Fisheries "
Le Officine del Dentale
GrowApp S.r.l.
Le Officine del Dentale diventano “mobile”!Daoggi è disponibile gratuitamente sugli store l’appufficialedell’azienda.Per chiedere assistenza e preventivi, per acquistare i prodottiosemplicemente per conoscerci meglio, scarica la nostra appeapprofitta di sconti e promozioni dedicati solo a te!Le Officine…sempre più mobili, sempre più vicine alcliente!!!The Yards of Dentalbecome"mobile"! It is now available for free on the appstore'sofficial.To ask for assistance and quotations, to purchase products orsimplyto know us better, download our app and take advantage ofdiscountsand promotions reserved only for you!Officine ... more and more mobile, more and more close tothecustomer!
Casole Bruzio 1.3
GrowApp S.r.l.
L’App Casole Bruzio, studiata per il comune diCasole Bruzio in provincia di Cosenza, ti consente di avereinformazioni in modo rapido ed efficace, in mobilità. Si tratta di un servizio rivolto a cittadini e turisti, ma anchealle attività commerciali del territorio.Attraverso l’app, potrai conoscere in tempo reale eventi einiziative in programma, notizie su guasti e disservizi o avvisi diemergenze di protezione civile, partecipare a sondaggi d’opinione ecomunicare direttamente con il sindaco e gli uffici, raggiungereagevolmente itinerari, siti d’interesse e attivitàcommerciali...tutto con un semplice click!Cosa aspetti, scarica gratis l’App Ufficiale del comune di CasoleBruzio e approfitta delle promozioni dedicate a te!The Casole Bruzio App, developed for the Municipality of CasoleBruzio located in the province of Cosenza, allows you to haveinformation quickly and effectively, in mobility.It is a service aimed at citizens and tourists, but also to thecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can know in real time events and initiativesin the program, news about failures and outages or notices of civilprotection emergencies, you can also participate in opinion pollsand communicate directly with the Mayor and the offices, easilyreach itineraries, sites interest and commercial activities of thetown... all with a simple click!What are you waiting for, download free the Official App of theMunicipality of Casole Bruzio and take advantage of promotionsespecially for you! App Casole Bruzio,designed for the municipality of Casole Bruzio, in the province ofCosenza, allows you to get information quickly and effectively, onthe move.It is a service for citizens and tourists, but also to thecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can know in real time events and initiativesplanned, news about failures and outages or notices of civilprotection emergencies, participate in opinion polls andcommunicate directly with the mayor and offices, easy accessroutes, sites interest and commercial activities ... all with asimple click!What aspects, download free Official App of the town of CasoleBruzio and take advantage of promotions for you!The Casole Bruzio App, developed for the Municipality of CasoleBruzio located in the provinces of Cosenza, Allows you to haveinformation quickly and effectively, in the mobility.It is a service Aimed at citizens and tourists, but Also to thecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can know in real time events and Initiativesin the program, news about failures and outages or notices of civilprotection emergencies, you can participate on Also in the opinionpolls and communicate directly with the Mayor and the offices,easily reach itineraries, interest sites and commercial activitiesof the town ... all with a simple click!What are you waiting for, download the free Official App of theMunicipality of Casole Bruzio and take advantage of promotionsespecially for you!
GrowApp S.r.l.
Hdemia è un'app dedicata agli amantidelleBelle Arti! Ti permette di scoprire cosa c'è intorno al mondodeldisegno, della scultura, della pittura ma anche della grafica edeldesign. Ti tiene aggiornato sugli eventi e su tutte le newsdelsettore.Scarica l'app Hdemia....non è uno schizzo ma una vera epropriaopera d'arte!Hdemia is an appdedicatedto lovers of Fine Arts! It allows you to discover what'saround theworld of design, sculpture, painting but also thegraphics anddesign. It keeps you up to date on all the events andindustrynews.Download the app Hdemia .... is not a sketch but a true workofart!
R. Motors Toyota
GrowApp S.r.l.
Con l’app ufficiale di R. MotorsPalermo,potrai visionare il parco vetture a noleggio, prenotareiltagliando auto, contattare direttamente gli uffici perinformazionie preventivi e molto altro ancora…Scarica l’app R. Motors e approfitta delle promozioni dedicateagliutenti mobile.With the official appofPalermo R. Motors, you can view the park cars, reserve bycuttingcar, contact the offices for information and quotes, andmuch more...Download the app R. Motors and take advantage of specialpromotionsto mobile users.
Pasticceria Cautela
GrowApp S.r.l.
L’orgoglio dell’esperienza dolciariasicilianae la capacità di assecondare il cambiamento. Nell’appdellapasticceria Cautela puoi scoprire tutti i prodottidell’aziendanata nel 1959, dalle paste di mandorla ai cuor dipistacchio, daicroccanti di nocciola ai torroncini. Ma puoi ancheprenotare edeffettuare un ordine direttamente con il tuotelefonino.Con l’app della Pasticceria Cautela la tradizione si sposaconl’innovazione.The pride oftheexperience Sicilian confectionery and the ability toaccommodatethe change. The app pastry Caution can find all theproducts of thecompany founded in 1959, the almond paste topistachio heart, fromthe crunchy hazelnut nougat. But you can alsobook and place anorder directly with your mobile.With the app Pastry Caution tradition blends with innovation.
Studio Bavetta
GrowApp S.r.l.
"Studio Bavetta" è l'app che ti tieneincontatto con il tuo studio dentistico. Da oggi saraisempreaggiornato su trattamenti, attività, appuntamenti, e potraiancheiscriverti ai vari corsi di formazione che organizza lostudio.Scarica l'app e avrai lo Studio Bavetta a portata diclick!"Study Bib" is an appthatkeeps you in touch with your dental practice. From now onyou'llalways be up to date on treatments, tasks, appointments, andyou canalso subscribe to various training courses that organizesthe study.Download the app and you'll get the Study Bib just aclickaway!
GrowApp S.r.l.
Treck è l’App Ufficiale dei CampionatiItalianiAssoluti e Giovanili di corsa su strada 10 km che sisvolgeranno il13 settembre 2015 a Trecastagni, in provincia diCatania.Con L’app Treck potrai seguire da vicino l’evento,iscriverti,condividere foto e tanto altro ancora… Cosa aspetti,scarica l’appe corri insieme a noi, così anche tu potraidire…#iostoconTRECK!!!Treck is the OfficialAppof the Italian Championships and Youth of 10 km road race tobeheld September 13, 2015 in Trecastagni, in the provinceofCatania.With Treck app can monitor the event, subscribe, share photosandmore ... What are you waiting, download the app and run with us,soyou too can say ... #iostoconTRECK !!!
GrowApp S.r.l.
L’App Aieta, studiata per il comune di Aietainprovincia di Cosenza, ti consente di avere informazioni inmodorapido ed efficace, in mobilità.Si tratta di un servizio rivolto a cittadini e turisti, maanchealle attività commerciali del territorio.Attraverso l’app, potrai conoscere in tempo reale eventieiniziative in programma, notizie su guasti e disservizi o avvisidiemergenze di protezione civile, partecipare a sondaggi d’opinioneecomunicare direttamente con il sindaco e gli uffici,raggiungereagevolmente itinerari, siti d’interesse e attivitàcommerciali delComune… tutto con un semplice click!Cosa aspetti, scarica gratis l’App Ufficiale del comune di Aietaeapprofitta delle promozioni dedicate a te!The Aieta App, developed for the Municipality of Aieta locatedinthe province of Cosenza (in Calabria), allows you tohaveinformation quickly and effectively, in mobility.It is a service aimed at citizens and tourists, but also tothecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can know in real time events and initiativesinthe program, news about failures and outages or notices ofcivilprotection emergencies, you can also participate in opinionpollsand communicate directly with the mayor and the offices,easilyreach itineraries, sites interest and commercial activitiesof thetown... all with a simple click!What are you waiting for, download free the Official App oftheMunicipality of Aieta and take advantage of promotionsespeciallyfor you!The App Aieta,designedfor the town of Aieta in the province of Cosenza, allowsyou to getinformation quickly and effectively, in mobility.It is a service aimed at citizens and tourists, but also tothecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can learn about real-time eventsandinitiatives planned, news about failures and outages or noticesofcivil protection emergencies, participate in opinion pollsandcommunicate directly with the mayor and the offices, easyaccessroutes, sites interest and commercial activities of the City...all with a simple click!What aspects, download free App Officer of the municipality ofAietaand take advantage of promotions for you!The Aieta App, developed for the Municipality of Aieta locatedinthe provinces of Cosenza (Calabria), Allows you to haveinformationquickly and effectively, in mobility.It is a service Aimed at citizens and tourists, but anche tothecommercial activities of the territory.Through the app, you can know in real time events and Initiativesinthe program, news about failures and outages or notices ofcivilprotection emergencies, you can participate on anche inopinionpolls and Directly communicate with the mayor and theoffices,easily reach itineraries, interest sites and commercialactivitiesof the town ... all with a simple click!What are you waiting for, download free the Official App oftheMunicipality of Aieta and take advantage of promotionsEspeciallyfor You!
Santa Domenica Talao 1.2
GrowApp S.r.l.
L’App Santa Domenica Talao è un serviziodedicato agli anziani con esigenza di assistenza sia alla personache nella gestione domestica e residenti nei nove comuni: Aieta,Buonvicino, Grisolia, Maierà, Orsomarso, Papasidero, San NicolaArcella, Santa Domenica Talao, Verbicaro.Attraverso l’app, potrai conoscere in tempo reale eventi einiziative in programma, comunicare direttamente con gli uffici,segnalare problematiche o disservizi, o richiedereinformazioni…tutto con un semplice click!Cosa aspetti, scarica gratis l’App Santa Domenica Talao!The Santa Domenica Talao App, allows you to have informationquickly and effectively, in mobility.Through the app, you can know in real time events and initiativesin the program, you can also communicate directly with theoffices... all with a simple click!What are you waiting for, download free the App of Santa DomenicaTalao! App Santa DomenicaTalao is a service for the elderly with need for assistance is theperson in the household management and residents in the ninemunicipalities: Aieta, Buonvicino, Grisolia, Maierà, Orsomarso,Papasidero, San Nicola Arcella, Santa Domenica Talao, Verbicaro.Through the app, you can know in real time events and initiativesplanned, communicate directly with the offices, report problems orpoor service, or request information ... all with a simpleclick!What aspects, download free app Santa Domenica Talao!The Santa Domenica Talao App, Allows you to have informationquickly and effectively, in the mobility.Through the app, you can know in real time events and Initiativesin the program, you can Also communicate directly with the offices... all with a simple click!What are you waiting for, download the free App of Santa DomenicaTalao!
Venus Bridal Italy
GrowApp S.r.l.
Il Gruppo Venus Bridal è leader mondialenellaproduzione di abiti da sposa e cerimonia. Grazie ad uno staffdi100 disegnatori, 50 modellisti e 200 sarte, coordinatodalladirezione artistica di Joanna Wu, raggiunge elevatistandardqualitativi, conferendo ad ogni singolo capo originalità edettagliche hanno portato il Gruppo Venus Bridal al topinternazionale delsettore. Venus Bridal assicura alta qualità ad unprezzocompetitivo, assecondando le tendenze del momento ed i gustideiclienti.Venus Bridal Group isaworld leader in the production of wedding dresses and formalwear.With a staff of 100 designers, 50 designers and 200seamstresses,coordinated by artistic director Joanna Wu, reacheshigh qualitystandards, giving to every single detail andoriginality chief wholed the Group Venus Bridal at the top of theinternational sector.Venus Bridal ensures high quality at acompetitive price, complyingwith current trends and tastes of thecustomers.
Scomunicando 1.3
GrowApp S.r.l.
Comes the App excommunicating
Magistro Store
GrowApp S.r.l.
Grazie all'app "Magistro Store" saraisempreaggiornato su tutti i prodotti dedicati ai clienti chedesideranoacquistare qualcosa che renda felice la famiglia:giocattoli,casalinghi, elettrodomestici e molto altro ancora.Basteràscaricare l'app e avrai a portata di mano le promozione e lacartafedeltà utile per i tuoi acquisti.Magistro Store: un'app comoda e pratica in qualsiasi momentodellatua giornata!Thanks to theapp"Magistro Store" you will always be up to date on all theproductsfor customers who want to buy something that will make yourfamilyhappy, toys, housewares, appliances and much more. Justdownloadthe app and you'll have at your fingertips the promotionandloyalty card useful for your purchases.Magistro Store app convenient and practical in any moment ofyourday!